Wednesday, February 24, 2010


FRPL Finance Ltd. (“FRPL”) has been retained by FRP to introduce investors interested in the fi nancing
of FRP.
The information contained herein has been obtained from FRP and other sources, and has been prepared
for the purposes of providing interested parties with general information to assist them in their
evaluation of FRP. No representation or warranty expressed or implied is made by FRP or FRPL as to
the accuracy or completeness of such information. Nothing contained in the Memorandum shall be relied
upon as a representation or promise of the past or future performance of FRP.
Any estimates or projections contained herein have been prepared by FRP and are based on information
currently available. They involve signifi cant subjective judgments and analyses and, accordingly, no representation
or assurance is made as to their attainability by FRP or FRPL. Actual results will differ from
any estimates or projections made and the differences may be substantial.
Recipients of this Memorandum agree that fi nancial and other information contained herein is of a confi
dential nature: i.e., they will not, directly or indirectly, disclose or permit their agents, representatives,
employees, offi cers, directors or affi liates to disclose any of this information and they will use the Memorandum
and any related information only to evaluate a potential fi nancing by FRPL of the properties of
FRP and for no other purpose.
If a recipient of this Memorandum or the shareholders of FRP or FRPL choose not to pursue a transaction,
the Memorandum and any other related material must be returned to FRPL. The Memorandum
recipient may retain no copies.
All questions about this investment opportunity should be directed to:
Mr. Ed Nycholat, CA
Manager of Operations
FRPL Finance Ltd.
Suite B, 220 - 42nd Ave SE
Calgary, Alberta T2G 1Y4
(403) 451-1161
Mr. Rex Schinnour
Sales Director
FRPL Finance Ltd.
Suite B, 220 - 42nd Ave SE
Calgary, Alberta T2G 1Y4
(403) 451-1166